Glendalough Resource Centre

Members Loans and Details
It is critical to the successful development of the Centre, that the local community are involved in, and contribute to, the funding of the project. The Association is asking the community to invest in the new Resource Centre, in the form of repayable interest-bearing loans. Minimum investment will be IR£1,000, and the minimum period will be 5 years. These loans will be repaid in full, at the end of the 5th. year (or may be renewed for a further period, if both parties desire). Interest will be paid at the end of each year, according to a scale, depending on the amount invested.

It should be noted that the interest offered on these loans is tar higher than currently offered by commercial institutions. It is felt therefore, that you will not alone be investing in your community's future, but that you will be making an excellent monetary investment. Future interest rates in the market may rise or fall, but the rate we are offering, is fixed for the full term of the loan. The interest rates, which will be paid on the loan amounts, are as follows:

Loan Amount IR£
Interest Paid
Over £10,000

Members loan application forms can be obtained by writing to GDDA Ltd., Laragh, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, or email: making the subject heading 'Glendalough Resource Centre". .

Benefits of Membership
Participation in the loan scheme as set out above, by members of the local community will bring with it certain privileges associated with becoming a member of The Glendalough District Development Association Limited. These will include:

Preferential booking of facilities for meetings etc.
Early booking opportunities for theatre performances, art shows etc.
Members will also be afforded an opportunity where practicable and available, to rent out the facilities for private functions etc.

Signed on Behalf of the Board of Directors
